Tuesday, April 7, 2020


“It is indeed getting scary and more serious! Advanced countries like China and USA are even struggling in managing this pandemic, how much more Ghana?! Considering the gravity of issues, it is only God that can save Ghana from this pandemic! The world is surely coming to an end, this pandemic is indeed an indication of the end time!” These and many more continue to be sentiments that are being shared by most Ghanaians on a daily basis as we fight Covid-19.

In spite of the seemingly fear that has engulfed the minds of a good number of Ghanaians in this pandemic, one issue remains very significant. Almost all social media and forms of communications have sought to calm the nerves of many people down with captions such as "Stay Home and save your life ; Spread calm and not fear; wash your hands regularly; observe social distancing” among others.

The president of Ghana has been at the fore front in the fight against this pandemic. I have sought to find out from Aunty Becky in my open letter I wrote two weeks ago to the first lady if he has had a good sleep since Ghana recorded her first positive case. The president has demonstrated a father figure by calming the nerves of Ghanaians with encouraging words, assurances and timely interventions such as  free food for the vulnerable and absorbing watercharges temporary (https://www.modernghana.com/news/993856/covid-19-lockdown-govt-announces-free-food-for.htmlhttps://citinewsroom.com/2020/04/akufo-addo-announces-free-water-for-ghanaians-as-government-intensifies-covid-19-fight/ ). His style of communication and encouraging words in spite of the increasing number of positive cases continues to provide a good sense of relief to many Ghanaians.

As we continue to fight this pandemic, these past weeks have also revealed and continue to expose the real nature of a good number of Ghanaians of which I would want to share with  all. A critical look at these characteristics exhibited remains key in our quest to defeat this pandemic and our future endeavors.

Firstly, COVID-19 has revealed that, in spite of our religious differences and inclinations,  we must seek the face of God at all times. We have affirmed our faith as a country in the omnipotence and mercies of God. The warm reception by Ghanaians when the President declared a day of fasting and prayers to fight this pandemic is a clear indication of our belief in God. The three-day fasting and prayers led by the former President equally received the same support and attention from Ghanaians. The key lesson for us as a people in this fight is in Proverbs 21; 31. “Horses and chariots are prepared for battle but victory comes from the Lord”. Indeed this pandemic has demonstrated to us all, there is no science greater than the power of God.  He will indeed crown our efforts with  victory over this pandemic in no time.

Secondly, this pandemic has reassured us all of the fact that, Ghanaians can be united in hearts and minds without any political colorization in fighting every “enemy” that comes our way. Leaders and supporters of all the various political parties have demonstrated and shown patriotism with various interventions and initiatives. 
This show of leadership by political leaders  such as https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Nduom-donates-7-ambulances-to-fight-coronavirus-914581)among others has cushioned the efforts of the government in managing this pandemic. Let me commend His Excellency, Former President Mahama for his genuine effort, recommendations and interventions in this pandemic such as https://www.pulse.com.gh/news/local/mahama-donates-ppe-worth-ghcent390000-to-korle-bu-and-tamale-teaching-hospital/8lc7wcn and https://www.pulse.com.gh/news/local/mahama-outdoors-ndcs-coronavirus-team/wk3t4jz . As the arch political rival of the ruling government, he has openly supported in his own way as a statesman through the number of initiatives such as holding a prayer session , supplying PPEs and making a team of experts available to the government to offer credible alternatives to the government. Indeed these acts by our political leaders affirm the popular adage, "United we stand, divided we fall". Let us be united as a people and eschew all partisan political interest in the fight against this pandemic.

Thirdly, this pandemic has shown the beautiful patriotic nature of our security and health service officials. In spite of the various risks they may be exposed to, these gallant men and women have chosen the love of their country above all. Ayekoo to our health and security officials for their dedication to Ghana in these trying times. The media has been phenomenal in educating, and disseminating information during this pandemic. As Oliver Twist always asks for more, the many Ghanaians in the country are still relying and trusting in your high sense of dedication, professionalism and patriotism to bring an end to this pandemic.

Sadly, this pandemic has been an eye opener to how greedy and corrupt some Ghanaian traders can be. The hikes in the price of hand sanitizers and other equipment exposed how greedy some Ghanaians are. Stories such as https://www.pulse.com.gh/bi/strategy/coronavirus-in-ghana-how-hand-sanitizer-traders-are-ripping-off-ghanaians/6engmlq makes me bleed for mother Ghana. The excessive pricing of goods and services in our various markets some days to the commencement of the lockdown attest to this. Undeniably, these traders who took advantage of this pandemic to make super-normal profit are inherently greedy, inhumane and insensitive and must be ashamed of themselves. These acts show that, some ordinary Ghanaians are more corrupt than people in power, the only difference is the lack of power and authority to exhibit their true nature.

As we continue to fight this pandemic, let us be mindful of our actions and in actions. Let us  adhere to the directives from the W.H.O. and government religiously. To those Ghanaians who have taken advantage of the situation to cheat people, bow down your heads in shame and pray for God's forgiveness.

Let me reiterate the heartwarming words of the President in the fight against this pandemic “We are not in ordinary times, this too shall pass”. I understand some of the interventions rolled by government have made life uncomfortable for many of us. However, let us appreciate the various social interventions by government and do our best to end the spread by staying at home. God bless our homeland Ghana and heal the world from this pandemic.


Kwame Ohene-Ntow
YALI Dream
A better Ghana
A brighter Africa.

The writer holds a Master’s Degree in Development Policy and Planning from KNUST, an Alumnus of the University Of Ghana Business School, A YALI fellow and a team member of the "No  Business as Usual  Project" based in Kumasi which is ensuring local socio-economic development and training 500 youth in employable and entrepreneurial skills in Asokore Mampong Municipality.

EMAIL; vincentntow12@gmail.com 



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