Friday, May 7, 2021


“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” – Proverbs 31:25-28. These words from the Scripture is a true representation of Mothers.

In a typical African setting, growing up as a girl child is probably one of the toughest training one can ever experience. From being forced to learn how to “keep a home” so as to be a “ useful marriage material” i.e. cooking, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing etc. whiles the male kids usually wander around. The struggle of being discouraged to take up some courses and careers since they are seen to be male dominated fields. "The moral lessons" on being taught what to wear and even how to walk. 

From childhood, the next endeavor is a transition from adolescence to adulthood. This transition is perhaps one of the most difficult transitions in life. From men old enough to be your parents pestering your lives with love proposals coupled with “disturbances” from young men and more recently from other females. The struggles and pains associated with menstruation. The struggles of being denied job offers for refusing to be abused sexually by some unscrupulous employers.  Self-acclaimed Aunties, God Mothers and Neighbors who will pester your lives with their “when are you getting married chorus”? And when a lady finally marries, the chorus now moves to the most annoying question of when are you giving birth? Dealing with these questions is another trouble on its own as a female.

And  when the girl child finally becomes a mother. She is faced with the problem of combining her professional/ career progression with marital responsibilities. Sadly in some instances, some mothers have to reject or decline some professional opportunities in order to cater for their families. 

Mothers are the first point of call when there is no food in the home, when fees have to be paid, when clothes have to be washed among others. The honest truth is that, the mother is not only a mother to her children but doubles up as a mother to the husband.

With all these challenges, mothers discharge their duties with much joy, pride, happiness and a deep sense of fulfilment. Truly, the role of  Mothers  can be likened to teachers, doctors, accountants, economists, cleaners, security personnel, cooks and mentors all boxed up in one job description.  

When a mother lays a cane or finger on a child, she does it out of love and for the betterment of the child. When mothers argue and fight with their husbands, in most instances, it is for the well-being of the home. When mothers take up more challenging careers, they want to serve as mentors to their children especially their female kids. When mothers take a sigh of relief, then indeed, it is to thank God for his generosity on her family. When mothers are engaged in a quarrel with neighbors, the honest truth is to safeguard their families from predators.

Who else can do these if not mothers? Who else can offer their lives for their children and family if not mothers?

The most worrying and saddest part of being an African mother is being tagged as a witch when age catches up with you coupled with menopause. Would a witch have kept you in her womb for nine months? Would a witch had labored and toiled all her life in the name of fending for her family? Would a witch have denied herself of her needs to cater for the wants of her kids? 

Indeed Mothers are strong spirited women and the least we could for them at their old age is to crown them as living angels and not witches.

One day, in a conversation with my big sister, I asked her what her greatest source of joy was, she responded; “whenever I look at the three of you (her three younger brothers) and see how amazing you have grown, my heart is at peace”. I know her greatest hobby is to cook for her brothers as well. My Mum’s greatest happiness is to see smiles and happiness on the faces of her biological children and all children especially her students. I am sure this narrative will not be different from other mothers and sisters should they be asked this same question. Mothers are indeed a true blessing from God and all they strive and toil for in this world is to see smiles in their homes and surroundings.

On this day as the world honors Mothers, I particularly want to thank God for the gift of my mother and big sister. They have been my biggest source of inspiration. I appreciate my aunties, cousins, friends, teachers, and colleagues, supervisors and the many female friends who continue to inspire me and bring out the best in me. I remain highly grateful to all women who have played motherly roles in my life and the lives of others. I  pray for God’s blessings upon your lives.

To the few men who had to take up the role of mothers for their kids, You are indeed true heroes..

Happy Mother’s day to all women and May the Good Lord continue to use you just as she used Mother Mary as a vessel to bless humanity.

Kwame Ohene-Ntow

YALI Dream

A better Ghana,

A brighter Africa. 

The writer  is a Development practitioner with interest in local government, youth development and addressing issues of gender biases.


Facebook; Kwame Ohene-Ntow



  1. I stand in your shoes Bro. God bless our mothers. Thank you too for always granting us knowledge.

  2. Very good piece! Thanks for this Kwame

  3. Those men who do 😇

  4. Thank you for appreciating us. God bless you



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